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  • Presentation of OCAI (The Operations Companion) by ESOC, an AI assistant to support decision making of flight control teams : visit this page
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November 2021
25 - 26 November 2021
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Outils 3D dans le spatial : bilan sur 5 ans

ORB - Orbital mechanics
Les outils graphiques 3D offrent la possibilité incomparable de partager des vues analogues à la réalité de la situation des missions spatiales. Ce deuxième événement sur le sujet, qui s'est tenu sur deux demi-journées les 25 et 26 novembre en mode hybride (présentiel et à distance), a rassemblé environ 100 personnes et a suscité de nombreux échanges et des pistes de collaboration. Les principaux sujets évoqués ont été les suivants: outils 3D pour ...
  • Ligue Occitanie FFT , Balma, France
  • FR
  • Accessible by videoconference
  • Public
September 2019
19 September 2019
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La Cyber-sécurité dans les opérations de systèmes spatiaux

OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
Présentation de l'événement Les COMET CYB et OPS organisent le 19/09/2019 une journée dont le but est de rassembler nos deux communautés pour une journée conviviale d’échanges sur : La sécurité d’aujourd’hui : Le contexte, la perception par les opérationnels des impacts de la cybersécurité sur les opérations, pendant que les experts en CYBER présenteront les solutions actuelles en place avec leurs avantages et inconvénients. La sécurité de demain : L’évolution règlementaire, les solutions à l’étude ...
  • Fédération Française de Tennis , Balma, France
  • FR
  • Accessible by videoconference
  • Public
June 2019
24 June 2019
from 09H00 to 17H00
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User feedback in machine learning

OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
USER FEEDBACK IN MACHINE LEARNING / USER-IN-THE-LOOP IN MACHINE LEARNING: Feasible or not ? CNES Experts Communities (COMET) OPS (Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions), SIL (Computer System Architecture and Software Engineering) and ORB (Orbital mechanics) organize a workshop on Machine Learning / deep learning techniques and more specifically around the problem of user feedback in these algorithms. By user feedback it is meant the ability for the user, based on his ...
  • cnes, Toulouse, France
  • EN
  • No videoconference
  • Public
November 2018
13 - 14 November 2018
from 09H00 to 17H00
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Automatisation des opérations

OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
This 2-days long event was organized by the DLR/GSOC in Oberpfaffenhofen. Only space agencies were invited (ESOC / CNES / DLR). The purpose was to review automation of operations within each space agency location. This approach is part of HUDEP (Human DEPendability), thus impacts on humans were also analyzed. Please find the slides presented below (there are only PDFs whereas on D-day there were videos and animated media). Exchanging all together was interesting, ...
  • EN
  • No videoconference
  • Public
March 2018
21 March 2018
from 08H30 to 12H30
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From 2 to 4 spacecraft at once : redesign of Galileo LEOP

OPS - Operations and Exploitations of Space Missions
THIS EVENT WAS IN FRENCH This mini information seminar, the detailed programme for which can be found under § resources below, made it possible to present the multiple LEOP operations (MIP in French, LEOP in English) of the Galileo satellites. The focus was on the operational changes caused by the transition from double operations to quadruple operations, in terms of human organisation, infrastructure on the ground, ground stations, etc. Participants were then invited ...
  • CNES Toulouse, TOULOUSE, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public