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May 2024
21 May 2024
from 13H30 to 14H30
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Séminaire scientifique : "Mathématiques & Informatique pour l'observation de la Terre"

TSI - Signal and image processing
La COMET TSI débute une nouvelle série de séminaires scientifiques "Mathématiques & Informatique pour l'observation de la Terre". Ces séminaires mensuels d'une heure auront lieu en visio-conférence, avec un format 45 minutes de présentation, 15 minutes de discussion. La première présentation sera donnée par Valerio Marsocci, chercheur postdoctorant au Geomatics Research Group de l'université KU Leuven, le mardi 21 mai de 13h30 à 14h30 : Titre : Multi-modal representation learning for Earth ...
  • EN
  • Accessible by videoconference
  • Public
February 2021
26 February 2021
from 08H45 to 12H05
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5G Signals For Positioning

PDS - Satellite Navigation, Positioning and Timing
  The COMET PDS invites you to a virtual event on "5G Signals For Positioning". It will take place on February, 26th in the morning. The 25th of February, Anne-Marie TOBIE will defend her doctoral thesis "GNSS 5G Hybridization for Urban Positioning" funded by Thales Alenia Space and CNES, and supervised by ENAC. We are using this opportunity to propose you the rebroadcasting of her defense the day after, with a slot ...
  • EN
  • Accessible by videoconference
  • Public
January 2020
13 - 15 January 2020
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Atelier TRATTORIA 2020

TSI - Signal and image processing
The COMET TSI is a partner of this event. The registrations for the TRATTORIA 2020 workshop (Radiative Transfer in Terrestrial Atmospheres for Spatial ObseRVations), which will take place from 13 to 15 January in Toulouse, are now opened. It is therefore the International Conference Center of Météo-France that will host this year's event. We remind you that registration is free, but the number of participants may be limited. We invite you not ...
  • Centre International de Conférences de Meteo France, TOULOUSE, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
December 2019
3 December 2019
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ITU-R Commission 3 returns and R&D activities in propagation

TSI - Signal and image processing
The purpose of the animation was to present recent advances in the field of propagation of radio frequencies. For this purpose, the latest developments regarding propagation recommendations in the ITU-R for earth-space and terrestrial applications have been presented. The day was also an opportunity to present a synthesis of research activities in RF propagation conducted by CNES and its partners in recent years.  
  • Meeting - 3X Consultants, Toulouse, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
September 2019
23 - 26 September 2019
from 09H00 to 17H00
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Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference

TSI - Signal and image processing
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) has become a critical issue for many users of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is especially true for observational sciences such as radio astronomy, microwave remote sensing of the Earth, and Solar and ionospheric studies where highly sensitive measurements are necessary. More information on this event on the following website :   Presentations are available on the following link (you need to be connected) : link_presentations
  • CLS, Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France
  • EN
  • No videoconference
  • Public