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December 2018
7 December 2018
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Introduction to Machine Learning applied to Earth sciences and astrophysics

TSI - Signal and image processing
COMET SIL & TSI, in partnership with the permanent workshop of the OMP, proposed a day dedicated to machine learning and its applications in earth and space sciences (Earth and Space Science). (see program below). The day took place at CNES  
  • CNES - salle Leonard de Vinci, Toulouse, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
October 2018
18 October 2018
from 09H00 to 12H00
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Extraction of attributes and deep learning for the analysis of remote sensing images

TSI - Signal and image processing
This day organized by GdR ISIS and COMET TSI took place on the premises of Télécom ParisTech. The aim was to present the latest research related to advanced attribute extraction and learning techniques in remote sensing image analysis contexts..
  • CNES - Direction des Lanceurs (salle Vinci), Paris, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
November 2017
14 November 2017
from 08H30 to 17H30
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Workshop on Spaceborne GNSS Receivers – Needs and Solutions

PDS - Satellite Navigation, Positioning and Timing
The French Space Agency's Technical Skills Communities (CNES CCT) organized the workshop "Spaceborne GNSS Receivers – Needs and Solutions" on November 14th, 2017 at ENAC premises in Toulouse, France.
  • École nationale de l'aviation civile, Toulouse, France
  • EN / FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
October 2017
9 October 2017
from 09H00 to 12H00
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5G and convergence of satellite and terrestrial networks

TSI - Signal and image processing
COMET TSI organized an event about « 5G and convergence of satellite and terrestrial networks » à Toulouse.
  • CNES, Toulouse, France
  • FR
  • No videoconference
  • Public
June 2017
22 - 23 June 2017
from 09H00 to 17H00
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3D reconstruction

TSI - Signal and image processing
Objectives: To bring together the world's experts in 3D reconstruction in order to make a state of reconstruction techniques and applications, and to stimulate exchanges for the future. Famous people in 3D reconstruction discussed three themes: stereo pipelines (including pipelines from NASA, DLR, Vricon, IGN, CMLA and CNES). matching algorithms (including the famous SGM, one of the most used matching algorithms developed by a former DLR engineer who created its own company, « Roboception »). applications tied to 3D reproduction ...
  • EN
  • No videoconference
  • Public