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The COMET( "COMmunities of 'ExperTs") are like “open circles of knowledge”.
For this reason, it is an excellent means of communication and way of distributing information, a showcase for you to present your developments without any major restrictions.
The COMET Chemical and Liquid Propulsion encompasses these major fields (excluding launcher) :
- Passivation of satellite propulsion systems: equipment, development, protocols.
- New chemical propellants (green propellants) and, more widely, energetic materials, including pyrotechnical applications.
- Long term stability of energetic materials: standards, methods, use.
- New high-performance materials and associated processes (additive manufacturing, CVD, etc.)
There are many synergies with PAPE COMET (Electric propulsion) et PAAE COMET (Aerothermodynamics), mainly regardy following activities :
- De-orbiting and controlled re-entry
- Passivation of fluid reservoirs (explosion of reservoir if not passivated).
- Behaviour of materials at high temperatures.
- Particular issues linked to certain components (titanium reservoir).
- Shared physics (e.g.: plasma in electric propulsion and aerothermodynamics)