MIOT : Learning for Species Distribution Modeling

Les événements de la communauté
11 mars 2025
de 13H30 à 14H30
  • EN
  • Accessible via visioconférence
  • Public

Pour le 7ème séminaire scientifique "Mathématiques & Informatique pour l'observation de la Terre" de la COMET TSI, nous avons le plaisir de recevoir Emilia Arens, Johannes Dollinger, Jan Dirk Wegner et Damien Robert de l'université de Zurich, mardi 11 mars de 13h30 à 14h30 en visioconférence.

Title : Learning for Species Distribution Modeling 

Abstract : Reliably modeling the distribution of species at a large scale is critical for understanding the drivers of biodiversity loss in our rapidly changing climate. Specifically, the task involves predicting the probability that a species will occur in a particular location given the prevailing environmental conditions.Traditional approaches from the field of ecology often tackle the task from a statistical perspective, fitting a per-species density function around the known occurrences in feature space. These features are hand-crafted from environmental data, and spatial reasoning is limited to the exact location of a known occurrence.
An expanding body of research leverages deep neural networks to learn features in an end-to-end manner for jointly modeling the distribution of multiple species, capturing potential interactions. These models can derive rich representations from diverse inputs, including climatic rasters, satellite imagery, and species interaction graphs.In this talk, we will introduce the task of modeling species distributions and give a brief overview of established approaches in the field, along with their limitations. We will then explore in more detail how the potential of deep learning can help to overcome these limitations and arrive at a more holistic view of species distribution models.


Lien de la visio conférence : https://rendez-vous.renater.fr/comet_tsi_seminaire_mars_165294-c25666-dbf6a2

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