ESREF 2019, the 30th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, has taken place in Toulouse (France) from 23th to 26th September 2019 at Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis.
This international symposium continues to focus on recent developments and future directions in Quality and Reliability Management of materials, devices and circuits for micro-, nano-, and optoelectronics. It provides a European forum for developing all aspects of reliability management and innovative analysis techniques for present and future electronic applications.
A word from the conference chairs
ESREF 2019 has been held in Toulouse - world center for aeronautics with Airbus assembly line, European capital of the space industry and leader in France for embedded electronic systems. Toulouse, called “Ville rose” (Pink city) for its characteristic architecture based on terra cotta bricks, combines a strong living spirit with a brilliant past. It is the third French university with more than 100,000 students and 147 laboratories. It is definitely turned towards the future with a large number of cutting-edge businesses in aeronautics, information technologies and spatial industries, as well as many research institutes. Hosting ESREF 2019 in this rich environment was a great opportunity since reliability in these particular applications is a very hot topic with strong challenges such as zero ppm failure and harsh environments.
For this 30th edition, in addition to the core topics of the conference, the major actors of aeronautics, space and embedded systems industry were involved to provide specific topics such as radiation hardening, very long-term reliability, high/low temperature challenges, obsolescence and counterfeit issues, wide bandgap power devices for the more electric aircraft and other embedded system applications. A special session for Nanosatellite reliability was proposed.
In the continuity of previous conferences, ESREF 2019 has also hosting several workshops and welcomes new ones related to these specific topics.
Agenda and more détail are in the ESREF website : https://esref2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/32
Nicolas NOLHIER Guillaume BASCOUL
ESREF 2019 Chair ESREF 2019 Vice-Chair