You are cordially invited to participate to the second edition of the RADECS Workshop on Radiation Effects on Optoelectronics detectors and Photonics Technologies (RADOPT 2023) to be held on 29th -30th November 2023 in Toulouse, France. After the success of RADOPT 2021, this second edition of the workshop, will continue to combine and replace two well-known events from the Photonic Devices and IC’s community: the “Optical Fibers in Radiation Environments Days -FMR” and the Radiation effects on Optoelectronic Detectors Workshop, traditionally organized every-two years by the COMET OOE of CNES. The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments regarding the use of optoelectronics and photonics technologies in radiation-rich environments The workshop also offers the opportunity to highlight future prospects in the fast-moving space, high energy physics, fusion and fission research fields and to enhance exchanges and collaborations between scientists. Participation of young researchers (PhD) is especially encouraged.
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