Dear visitors and SCA members,
CNES Automatic Control Systems network (COMET SCA) aims at sharing knowledge and skills between CNES, research labs and companies in the area of automatic control of space vehicles, such as attitude control of satellites, launchers, stratospheric balloons, or payloads, guidance and navigation of spacecrafts. Therefore, thematic workshops and seminars are organized.
Topics of interest for COMET SCA are automatic control area (linear and nonlinear control, robust control, filtering, modelling, identification), but also the design and implementation of control systems (actuator and sensor selection, control algorithms and fault management, real-time implementation, end of life operations).
Subscribe to COMET SCA to get informed of upcoming events. Become a member to have access to past events resources and share your knowledge and technical experience on automatic control in or outside the space domain.
Enjoy our website and see you soon !