The COMET ORB is glad to invite you to a mini-seminar. This event is open and free of charge.
Connection details will be communicated by mail just before the event.
This short seminar is a single talk (~40 min) from Sean Bruinsma, head of the Space Geodesy Office at CNES. He is very experienced in space weather. A Q&A session will be organised at the end of the presentation.
Because of the current health situation, it has been decided not to set a face-to-face seminar, but only a video-conference instead. The talk will be given in English.

Abstract :
Computing and predicting atmospheric drag, in spite of the many studies and projects since 2000, is still affected by large, and even very large, errors for a number of reasons. As an introduction to the joint COMET-OPS and -ENV seminar early 2021, I will briefly discuss the origin of the errors (thermosphere model, density data, solar and geomagnetic indices and their forecast, satellite shape and aerodynamic model) causing the slow progress. Not claiming to be all-inclusive, I will also present current projects and studies, space weather organizations, and sources of information and products.
If you are interested in following the seminar, please send the following information : SURNAME, FIRST NAME, FIRM, E-MAIL to
Connection link will only be sent to registered people the day before the seminar.